
Thank You to the Mountain Equipment Co-op (MEC)!

The Ancient Forest Alliance is most grateful to the Mountain Equipment Co-op (MEC) for their major support provided through their Community Contributions grant program. This funding support will allow the AFA to fully complete the Avatar Grove Boardwalk as a model for sustainable eco-tourism promoting old-growth forest conservation. See MEC's website at: www.MEC.ca


THANK YOU to Our 5 Year Anniversary Supporters!

Thank you to all who donated towards the AFA’s 5 Year Anniversary Celebration & Dinner as well as our 5th Anniversary Earth Day fundraising goals! We greatly appreciate the guests, volunteers, businesses, organizations, artists and others whose generous contributions made the evening an occasion to remember, as well as the many others who weren’t able to make it but have contributed during this pivotal time.  With your dedicated support, we will continue to broaden our movement, complete the Avatar Grove near Port Renfrew, protect specific endangered ancient forests, and work towards ensuring comprehensive, science-based legislation to protect endangered old-growth forests across BC.


Thank You from the Ancient Forest Alliance!

The Ancient Forest Alliance is most grateful to the Mountain Equipment Co-op (www.MEC.ca) for their major support provided through their Community Contributions grant program. This funding support will allow the AFA to expand our capacity as an organization and strengthen our campaign to protect endangered old-growth forests on Vancouver Island! The AFA would also like to thank Innerlife Health Services (innerlife.ca) for their Community Clinic fundraiser, as well as Climbing Arborist (www.climbingarborist.com) and the Mat Fernandez Project for supporting the AFA through their film screening event. Thank you to all who were involved for your dedicated support! 

Vancouver photographer Karen Cooper supporting the AFA through the sale of her plaque-mounted photographs of Echo Lake

15% of the proceeds from each Echo Lake plaque goes to support the AFA's work! Plaques of Echo Lake are available in 5x7", 8x12", and 12x18" sizes.

A large group of hikers crowd around the massive redcedar dubbed "Canada's Gnarliest Tree" during an Ancient Forest Alliance led public hike to the Avatar Grove in summer 2010.

Ancient Forest Alliance thanks the Mountain Equipment Co-op

MEC's generous Advocacy and Education Grant from 2010-11 that has helped us round up 20,000 supporters through our petition-drive, hikes, slideshows, and rally to protect BC's endangered old-growth forests and forestry jobs!

Thank You PosterLoop Media!

The Ancient Forest Alliance would like to thank James at PosterLoop Media for helping spread the word about our recent Rally for Ancient Forests by donating space on their rotating digital sign displays around downtown Victoria! Visit PosterLoop's website to check out the creative services they offer!  https://posterloop.com/index.php

Thank You Metropol Printshop!

A big thanks goes out to Victoria based Metropol Printshop for volunteer their postering service time by putting up our recent ancient forest rally posters on all the downtown poles! This is a tremendous help and time saver when you're organizing a large event! Check our their eco-friendly print options online at: https://print.imetropol.com/   read more...

Stage and crowd at the very start of the night. The crowd increased another 30% in size over the next half hour!

THANK YOU to all those involved with the ancient forest rally!

The Ancient Forest Alliance would like to extend a HUGE THANKS to all of our volunteers, supporters, speakers, performers, and the small businesses that made this event possible!

THANK YOU to Victoria Skafest for their Generous Donation!

A big thanks goes out to the Victoria Skafest organizers who made a generous donation to the Ancient Forest Alliance as part of their carbon offset program.

Ancient Forest Alliance

THANK YOU to Bikram Yoga Saanich

THANK YOU to Bikram Yoga Saanich and Abbey and David Boon for their generous support from holding Karma classes to benefit the Ancient Forest Alliance.